27 ianuarie 2009


"Hi, my name is Erika and I am a 3 yo young lady. Nice to meet you!

I have the best parents in the world and I enjoy my life because I am surrounded with much love.

But in the last few months I could see my mom and dad concerned about my condition. They spoke to some doctors and they say that I need a medical operation - transplant of the backbone - but this operation is expensive and my parents don’t have enough money to do this. I really dont have a clue about all this - doctors, illness, cure, money, transplant (i’ve been in a hospital and i dont like in there).

But i do know that I have my plans for the future: I want to grow in a kindergarten not in the hospital, meet other children, then go to school, university, get a job, merry and who knows what is expecting me?

Please help me to make my dreams come true. Tell your friends about me! Give me a hope"

O actiune pe bune impresionabila.
Pentru ajutor si mai multe detalii va rog luati-va un minut din timp si intrati AICI! Nu am mai luat parte la astfel de actiuni pana acum, nu m-a indemnat nimeni sa iau parte nici macar de data asta. Este pur si simplu raspunsul meu.

RON: RO50BRDE410SV20042894100

EUR: RO10BRDE410SV20043694100

USD: RO06BRED410SV20043774100




CNP: 1811208125781

TEL: 0730.076.073


Later Edit: Nu ma supar pe tine. Tot ce pot sa-ti spun este ca am preluat textul direct de pe site-ul oficial Erika asa cum a fost scris acolo. Nu am interpretat eu si nici n-am creat eu povestea asta in limba engleza. Cred oricum ca e neesential daca autorii site-ului respectiv au scris corect gramatical textul..

Later Edit Again: Iata sursa: http://erikahelp.wordpress.com/about/ So google is Rong!

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2 comentarii:

Anonymous Anonim a spus...

Nu te supara pe mine, dar if u gonna do it, do it right, ca nu e greu de scris in engleza:

"Hi, my name is Erika and I am a 3 yo young lady. Nice to meet you!

I have the best parents in the world and I enjoy my life because I am surrounded with -by, nu with- much love.

But in-fara in, doar the last months- the last few months I could see my mom and dad concerned about my condition. They spoke to some doctors and they say that I need a medical operation - surgery, intervention- - transplant of the backbone - spinal cord- - but this operation is expensive and my parents don’t have enough money to do this. I really dont - don't- have a clue about all this - doctors, illness, cure, money, transplant (i’ve been in a hospital and i don't like in there).

But i do know that I have my plans for the future: I want to grow - grow up, nu grow, ca nu e planta- in a kindergarten not in the hospital, meet other children, then go to school, university, get a job, merry -marry, ca merry = vesel- and who knows what is expecting me?

Please help me to make my dreams come true. Tell your friends about me! Give me a hope"

28 ianuarie 2009 la 14:59  
Anonymous Anonim a spus...

Atunci scuze din nou. Am dat search la text pe google, inainte sa las comment, tocmai ca m-am gandit ca poate textul a fost preluat de la ei de pe site (intamplator stiu de povestea Erikai de destul de multisor), si nu l-am gasit. Mi s-a parut atunci chiar dubios ca cineva sa faca o scrisorica in numele ei (altcineva in afara de parinti) si atunci am devenit brusc critica si cautatoare de nod in papura. But I guess it's my bad than. :) Sorry.

28 ianuarie 2009 la 21:16  

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